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RYD Change Mat - wetsuit bag

Once you've surfed your brains out and the saltwater is dripping from your nose, it's time to pack up and go get a feed! But there's nothing worse than taking off your wet wetsuit (or boardies/bikinis) on a sandy car park then dragging all that junk into the car. Enter the waterproof RYD change mat! A genius little creation designed for you to change into, bag up, and pack away...leaving your car and wetsuit, sand, and grass free! The quick-release drawstring makes it quick and easy to use, making the mat a must-have, if you're a regular commuter to the surf... unless you forget to take it out of the boot when you get home. Then it's not so genius, but that's on you ;-)


  • Change Mat
  • Wetsuit Bag
  • One Size Fits All


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