Price Match Guarentee
Our Price Match tool was created to guarantee you the best prices - always. If you see the same product you are going to buy from us, but for a cheaper price, at other seller - please contact us and we will be happy to match this price.

How does it work?
It’s very easy. Once you find a cheaper offer on the Internet, simply send us e-mail or call us at +48 501 149 412. The best option however is to use the form, as we will ask you the same questions anyhow. Once we’ve verified this offer and it is in line with our criteria, we will issue you a special code which can be used in the cart to adjust the price of the product you’re going to buy.There are some conditions to know:
- The competitor offers exactly the same size, color and model you wish to order.
- The product is in stock at competitor’s stock and ready for delivery.
- It can’t be applied to auction platforms, private sales, bankruptcy sales, or any other non-ordinary sources.
- We match the price of a product; It does not apply to delivery charges or other promotional campaigns such as samples or gifts with purchase.
- Price Match can’t be used in conjunction with any other offer.
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