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Wing foil board JP-Australia S-Winger PRO 24/25

The “F” stands for “Free” - Freestyle and Freeride, As free as you can be… whether you’re into crazy freestyle moves or pure free flying above the surface, this board has it all. The perfectly balanced shape allows you to feel comfortable in all types of conditions, from flat water to ocean waves. Great feeling, lightness, early take-off, and a range of sizes make it the perfect choice for intermediate and advanced riders.

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Compared to first X-Wingers, these new shapes feature slightly longer, narrower outlines and smoother rocker lines to enhance early take-off. The nose outline is pulled-in for low swing weight and better airflow.

To compensate for the lower volume of the pulled-in nose outline, shaper add a bit more thickness in this area. The slightly concave standing area provides a direct feel over the foil.

The new bottom tail rocker line has been pulled up to keep the nose of the board higher when flying. This is essential to allow more room to generate pop for jumps and to prevent the board from catching any chop when going flat-out or pushing hard upwind.

Long tracks with full deck-to-bottom foam blocks offer an extremely strong board to foil connection as well as a wide tuning range. 

Full deck and bottom PVC sandwich with Innegra rails and brushed paint finish offer the ultimate strength to weight ratio.

Advanced technical design features and an intricate attention to detail in construction result in an incredible combo for all kinds of freeride foiling.


Long tracks with full deck-to-bottom foam blocks offer an extremely strong board to foil connection as well as a wide tuning range. 

Full deck and bottom PVC sandwich with Innegra rails and brushed paint finish offer the ultimate strength to weight ratio.

Advanced technical design features and an intricate attention to detail in construction result in an incredible combo for all kinds of freeride foiling.

Product highlights

PRO construction

Boards come with full high density PVC sandwich, deck and bottom offering an unmatched ratio of stiffness and low weight in connection with the Innegra rail reinforcement

Unique design

Distinctive features, functionality, innovative shapes, materials, and graphics set X winger apart from the market standards

Compact shape

Great volume distribution, with a long and narrow hull, guarantees comfortable feeling in all water conditions

Early take-off

A smooth rocker line makes it super easy to get on the foil, even in light wind conditions


Multiple footstrap positions

The footstrap options offered, cover everything from V-shape, centered and off-centered positions. Ride the board in your preferred stance.

Long US track boxes

The strength of the track boxes is second to none - full deck to bottom PU blocks with multiple reinforcements covering our signature long US tracks for superior leverage to any forces a foil can throw at it.


The handle at the bottom of the board supports easy carrying of your equipment.

Foil scale

The US Long Track boxes allow different foil positions based on the rider's skills. To remember your individual foil setting, just use the scale printed on the board.

Tail kick pad

Supporting and guiding the foot in the perfect position when riding strapless. It helps to reduce the wetted surface for easy take-off and carefree tight turns.

Set components

  • Board
  • Set of footstraps


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Bag modelSizeBag dimensions (cm)Compatible board
X-Bag SmallS140×80S-Winger 33; F-Winger 55, 66
X-Bag MediumM181×85F-Winger 77; X-Winger 88, 99, 111
X-Bag LargeL212×93X-Winger 122, 133, 144
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