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Not quite sure what to buy for a gift?
Now you can purchase an EASY SURF Gift Card and have the choice out of your head.
Just pick up the value and order like a normal procedure in our webshop. You can order as many Gift Cards as you wish.

How to use it:

After you finalise the transaction with us you would have the Gift Card sent to your mailbox together with a special unique code and instructions on how to use it. Please keep the code private. It can be used once only. Please pass it to a person you want to make a gift (you can print the email with this code or simply forward it to a family member’s or a friend’s email).

For example - let’s say you order 250 € Gift Card from us. Once we receive your order and payment we would issue a special code and send it to your mail (the one you specified in the order). It’s enough that you pass this code to a person you would like to make a gift. This person is a kitesurfer dreaming about a new kiteboard costing 300 €? He/She has to put this kiteboard to the cart and use this code while ordering. The price will drop to 50 € only when the code is used. Clear?

There is no expire date for our Gift Cards. They remain valid until they are exchanged for products. That makes them a great gift for Christmas or Birthdays as they can be used at any time.


For instant answer - open the chat and ask your question. We're active 9.00-17.00 CET.

Is it afterhours? ​No problem - leave us a message and we’ll respond early the next day.

​+48 513 020 570

For those who prefer phone calls - that's our number. You can give us a ring between 9.00-17.00 CET.

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