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May 30th: we're closed. On May 31st, the store is closed, only support is available.

HQ is quality kites manufacturer for over 20 years. The HQ Kites brand has recreational and performance kites in offer, that are fun for all age groups. HQ Powerkites takes flying small kites to another level, somewhere between earth and heaven. In our offer you can find training kites. They are good for example to get kids familiar with the sport on land.

HQ Fluxx is trainer kite, low priced, thought for those looking for a fun foil kite to enjoy time on fresh air or who want to learn basic steering and wind window theory before entering water with inflated kite. It’s stabile and responsive and gives a lot of fun. Easy to relaunch. HQ Fluxx is a great choice to develop technique for kitesurfers, powerkiters and snowkiters.

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